Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Spreading God's good news, both locally and abroad, is important to us at Faith. To that end, we support missionaries and mission agencies in different ways. Some we support financially, to help them with the physical cost of fulfilling their call, and all we support with prayer, to lift up all aspects of their work to the God Who meets all our needs. This is the list of our officially supported missionaries and their primary field.
Cornerstone Christian School (Cheboygan)
Crisis Pregnancy Center (Cheboygan)
Jennifer DeKryger (Hospital of Hope in Mango, West Africa)
Hand In Hand Schools (Bekadili, Africa)
Joyce Oshiro (Uruma, Okinawa, Japan)
Richard & Marilyn Perhai (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Brian & Eva Seymour (Campus Bible Fellowship)
Plus, we have three families ministering in areas so sensitive that they may be in danger if we post their names and locations.
In addition to these, we have sent teams to Guatemala on a number of occasions for medical and support missions, using those skills to open up opportunities to share the Gospel of God.
Please keep these servants of God in your prayers.
Cornerstone Christian School (Cheboygan)
Crisis Pregnancy Center (Cheboygan)
Jennifer DeKryger (Hospital of Hope in Mango, West Africa)
Hand In Hand Schools (Bekadili, Africa)
Joyce Oshiro (Uruma, Okinawa, Japan)
Richard & Marilyn Perhai (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Brian & Eva Seymour (Campus Bible Fellowship)
Plus, we have three families ministering in areas so sensitive that they may be in danger if we post their names and locations.
In addition to these, we have sent teams to Guatemala on a number of occasions for medical and support missions, using those skills to open up opportunities to share the Gospel of God.
Please keep these servants of God in your prayers.
Our Bekadili Hand in Hand schoolkids!