We are calling all friends and family of Faith Baptist Church to 13 weeks of prayer for Taste & See 2018. Each week a new prayer request will be posted. Pray with us that lives will be impacted through this outreach and save the date — April 30th!
Week 7 — March 18th: Pray for boldness for our ladies as they invite their friends, family and co-workers to attend.
Please continue to pray for:
Week 6 — March 11th: Pray that this event will help us reach the younger women in our church and community.
Week 5 — March 4th: Pray for unity, that all involved are of “one accord and one mind”.
Week 4 — February 25th: Pray for strength and patience for Cindy, Patty and Pechies in their leadership roles.
Week 3 — February 18th: Pray for the Women’s Ministry Council as they finalize the many details. To God be the glory!
Week 2– February 11th: Pray for the women who will attend, that their hearts will be open for what God has for them.
Week 1– February 4th: Pray for our speaker, Robyn Dykstra, as she prepares the message that God has given her for the women of Cheboygan.